This laser and information technology permits operative fabrication of plastic models
of arbitrarily complex objects using their computer-generated 3D models.
Laser stereolithograph produced at ILIT RAS
Laser stereolithography realizes the principle of direct image formation by means
of changing the phase state of the medium in the given spatial region. The developed
version of the technology implements the method of 3D object formation through
layer-by-layer buildup of a polymer (composite) material.
A computer-designed 3D object is "grown" from a liquid photopolymerized composition
through the formation of successive thin (25 to 300m m) layers
when exposed to laser radiation on a platform immersed into a vat containing the liquid
Standard diagram of a plant for laser strereolithography
Laser stereolithography paves the way from a designer's idea to a finished model of a
part, and permits this path to be covered in several days. The initial data can be presented
as sketches and drawings, files of 3D objects, results of computer tomography and coordinate
measuring machines, etc.
Examples of plastic prototypes fabricated on the facility specially produced at ILIT RAS.
The models are intended to be used in automotive, electronic and aerospace industries, in
machine building, architecture, construction, and medicine