The work with students, postgraduates, young scientists and researchers is paid great
attention at ILIT RAS. These activities are coordinated by the Research and Training Center
of ILIT RAS being a subdivision of the Institute. V.S.Maiorov, Doctor of Sciences, is
Rector of the Research and Training Center.
The experimental basis of ILIT RAS enables the pursuance of applied research and the
support of graduate and post-graduate works, upgrading the professional skills of
the scientists in all the research lines of ILIT RAS:
laser and information technologies;
laser stereolithography;
laser treatment of materials;
industrial lasers;
physics of laser beam interaction with materials;
laser and information microtechnology;
laser biomedicine;
adaptive optics;
laser systems for nondestructive inspection, optical components and devices.
ILIT RAS disposes of a great number of the experimental stands, measurement systems and
processing plants equipped with the diagnostic facilities, computers, lasers for
measurement and processing. These plants and stands allow the Institute to conduct
the research work at the highest level. They are also used as the training basis to
support the laboratory, graduate and post-graduate works conducted in the framework
of the program of the Research and training center, and to realize an actually unique
practice in the field of modern laser and information technologies.
In the context of long-term agreements on collaboration, ILIT RAS organizes the practical
and graduate work of the students from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU),
Moscow State Technical University (MSTU), Vladimir State University (VlSU), St.Petersburg
State University, Samara Aviation Institute, Moscow State University for Geodesy and
Cartography, Moscow Industrial University, Moscow State Institute for Electronics and
Mathematics, etc
Jointly with other institutions, ILIT RAS has taken part in setting up the research and
training centers which contribute to
- introduction of the new systems and methods of education; preparation and updating
of the new-generation training programs, textbooks and training aids; the development
of the new promising lines enabling the higher qualitative level of training;
- providing the possibilities for upgrading the professional skills and for
retraining; development of the modern infrastructure of science and education;
- supporting the activities of the joint scientific and academic councils;
- - attracting young people to the Research and training center; training and
probation of the talented students and post-graduates; the creation of jobs for
the Russian youths who received a special higher education, in order to strengthen
the scientific brainpower;
- acquiring new scientific knowledge, performing the joint development work and
applying the obtained results; retraining and upgrading the professional skills
to keep step with the current economy;
- effective integration of the potential of research institutions, higher education
institutions and innovative enterprises aimed at the development of innovative
activities as a decisive, based on the up-to-date knowledge factor of evolution;
- development of the experimental device basis for science and higher education;
- development of information technologies as the unique information basis
for science, higher education, and innovative activities.
Relying on the aforesaid, the joint ILIT-VlSU center realizes the regular probation of
students, practical training, and the support of graduate works.
The fruitful collaboration of ILIT RAS and Moscow State University for Geodesy and
Cartography in the framework of the joint research and training center enabled the
high-level education of students in the courses "Interaction of laser radiation with matter"
and "Laser technology of material processing".
The Medical physics department at the MSU Faculty of Physics (Head of the Department –
V.Ya.Panchenko, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS) places high emphasis on the
application of lasers in medicine. ILIT RAS and the leading medical centers of the
country form the basis for this department.
The workers of the Research and training center of ILIT RAS and the scientists
actively participating in it have prepared and published various educational
aids and textbooks.
The participation of the young researchers in home and international scientific
conferences is stimulated and supported. The high-quality papers and published results
are usually of great interest with the scientists.
Jointly with MSU, Moscow State Institute for Electronics and Mathematics, A.A.Baikov
Metallurgy Institute, and D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, ILIT RAS has
been holding since 2000 the annular Inter-institute scientific workshop for the young
scientists "Concentrated energy fluxes in space technology, electronics, ecology and
medicine", and participating in this workshop proceedings publication.
The Institute regularly welcomes the pupils from the Shatura schools and the lyceum,
as well as the workers from the Moscow Region enterprises.
The research and training center of ILIT RAS has a good reputation as the basis for
education of specialists. Most of the post-graduates and young scientists of ILIT RAS
became acquainted with the experimental facilities and research results of the
Institute as the students of different educational institutions. The Institute takes
an active part in various programs for integration of the academic and university-based
sciences, makes its experimental basis available for training highly skilled specialists,
and tries to recruit the young scientists for the work in the Russian science.