An investigation is in progress of the procedures of combination and separation of optical
signals in high-bit-rate fiber-optic communication lines making use of the multiwave channel
multiplexing technology. The research is aimed at generation of the components for
new-generation devices (multiplexers, demultiplexers, routers, rooters, modulators,
switches, attenuators) to be applied in terabit fiber-optic communication lines ensuring
data rates up to 40 Gbit/s per channel with the number of channels exceeding 100.
The submicron non-harmonic gratings featuring spatially modulated amplitude, period (chirp),
and phase shifts p, constitute a principal component of such
Submicron relief gratings at the surface
optical polymer
As can be seen, the use of non-harmonic submicron gratings with a spatially modulated
coupling factor and phase shifts p permits narrowband Bragg
filters to be produced with
the specified shape of the spectra of light reflection and transmission.
A multibeam laser technology has been worked out for generating non-harmonic submicron
gratings with a spatially modulated amplitude and phase shifts p
at the surface of semiconductor materials. The technology makes it possible to generate
the gratings with the period to 0.2m m.
Narrowband reflection filters have been developed for the telecommunication range of
wavelengths near 1.5 m m. These filters comprise quartz
fiber and a relief grating, as well as a fiber attenuator to be used in high-bit-rate
multichannel fiber-optic communication lines. The filters can be applied as frequency
selective elements in optical multiplexers/demultiplexers.
Filter structure
Activities are now in progress aimed at the development of planar photon circuits using
new polymer materials which exhibit higher transparency in the telecommunication range of