International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT 2005),
11-15 May, 2005, St.Petersburg "Laser Sensing, Imaging, and Information Technologies"
Washington, USA. SPIE.-2005
Proceedings SPIE V.6161
Editor V.Ya.Panchenko
International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT 2005),
11-15 May, 2005, St.Petersburg. "High-Power Lasers and Applications"
Eighth International Conference on Laser and Laser Information Technologies 2003;
27 September-1 October 2003. Smolyan, Bulgaria
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 2004.- 496 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.5449
Editors V.Ya.Panchenko, N.Sabotinov
Opical Information, Date Processing and Storage, and Laser Communication Technologies: International Conference on Lasers,
Applications, and Technologies 2002. 22–27 June 2002. Moscow, Russia
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 2003.- 166 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.5135
Editors A.S.Akhmanov, V.Ya.Panchenko
Laser Processing of Advanced Materials and Laser Microtechnologies: International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and
Technologies 2002. 22-27 June 2002. Moscow, Russia
Laser Applications in Medicine, Biology, and Environmental Science: International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies
2002. 22–27 June 2002. Moscow, Russia
Seventh International Conference on Laser and Laser-Information Technologies.
20-26 June 2001. Suzdal, Russia
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 2002.- 532 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.4644
Chair/Editors V.Ya.Panchenko, V.S.Golubev
Progress in Research and Development of High-Power Industrial CO2 Lasers: Selected Research Papers on Progress in Research
and Development of High-Power Industrial CO2 Lasers 1991-2000
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 2002.- 532 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.4644
Chair/Editors V.Ya.Panchenko, V.S.Golubev
6th International Conference on Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications'98.
27-29 June 1998. Shatura, Russia
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 1999.- 524 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.3688
Chair/Editors V.Ya.Panchenko, V.S.Golubev
5th International Conference on Industrial Lasers and Laser Applications’95.
24-26 June 1995. Shatura, Russia
Washington, USA. SPIE.- 1996.- 494 p.
Proceedings SPIE V.2713
Chair/Editors V.Ya.Panchenko, V.S.Golubev
Russia National Conference: Industrial Lasers and Laser Material Processing.
14-16 April 1993. Shatura, Russia