laser cutting
The development of high-power industrial CO2 laser manufacturing has enabled
ILIT RAS to work out (independently and in cooperation with the leading engineering plants
of the country) the technologies and laser facilities with the purpose of performing
high-speed precision and complex-contour cutting of various sheet materials.
TL-1.5 laser-based system for cutting sheet materials
More than 150 laser systems together with technologies have been supplied to the
industrial enterprises of Russia and foreign countries (India, Japan, China, Czechia,
Korea, and Cuba)
Laser cutting of low-carbon steel
The technologies and laser systems developed at ILIT RAS can find application in
cutting carbon, structural, and stainless steels; titanium, aluminium alloys,
composite materials, quartz and acrylic glass, ceramics, paperboard, rubber, leather,
plywood, and wood packs.
They are successfully employed both at large plants of machine-building, automobile,
aircraft, ship-building, electronic and electrical industries, and at small-scale
commercial enterprises.
Laser cutting of ceramics
Laser cutting of metal
The ILIT RAS pilot department manufactures all the main components of the laser systems:
industrial lasers; CNC programs; radiation transport and transformation paths; focusing
objectives; systems for tracking processed sheet profile; systems for cleaning, drying
and delivery of working and accompanying gases.
The laser plants of ILIT RAS are capable of effective cutting the sheet blanks of the
size up to 1500x3000 mm, and the thickness of 0.5 to 40mm (depending on the material used).
Laser cutter
Unit of radiation transport path
The automated control of process, versatility, high rate and efficiency of equipment
manufacture provide for improvement in the quality of products
reduction in expenditure of energy, material economy, and environmentally sound operation.