laser optics
For 25 years the Institute has been developing and fabricating the elements and systems
of reflective and transmissive IR optics.
These optical devices include constituent parts (mirrors, windows, lenses, dividers, beam
and phase shifters, polarizers); lens and mirror objectives; telescopes; sensing devices;
shutters for high-power CO2 lasers; beam transport systems; opto-mechanical
heads for laser processing systems.
Diagnostics of radially polarized laser beam of an industrial
CO2 laser, transmitted through a polarization analyzer
A theory elaborated by the ILIT RAS scientists provides the basis for producing optical
elements for control and transformation of powerful IR beam polarization, and the
adaptive optical devices and systems for monitoring laser beam parameters and material
processing control.
The Institute has at its disposal modern facilities for manufacturing optical elements,
including diamond turning machines and necessary test instrumentation (roughness meter,
ellipsometer, interferometers, spectrophotometers, systems for precise measurement of
reflectance, absorptance and phase characteristics).
A method of generating radially and azimuthally polarized laser modes has been devised.
A new class of intracavity diffraction optical elements has been developed, which
feature high reflective polarization selectivity ensuring effective generation of
such modes.
Samples of optical elements: diffraction couplers, polarizers
Basic research
Investigation of laser radiation propagation in a turbulent
gaseous mixture far beyond the thermodynamic equilibrium
- physics of high-power gas lasers
- laboratory modeling of turbulent processes in non-equilibrium atmospheric layers
1) Optical diagnostic methods have been used to study the effect of
laser-active medium nonequilibrium on turbulent flow parameters..
Nonlinear phase inhomogeneities of high-power gas-discharge laser
active medium have been investigated
Luminescence, interference and four-wave-mixing methods have proven amplitudes
of turbulent small-scale optical inhomogeneities in the mixture of a CO2
laser to build up in the presence of a gas discharge and laser radiation as the result
of nonlinear effects of local heat release under strong thermodynamic nonequilibrium.
The optical quality of laser radiation is deteriorated due to this phenomenon.
Flowchart of luminescence diagnostics of fast-flowing CO2 laser active medium,
which permits turbulent flow parameters to be measured in the presence of a discharge
and intense laser radiation
2) Transverse pulsations of a turbulent flow have been measured by the phase conjugation method.
The dependence of density and velocity turbulent pulsations on the scale of whirling
instabilities, as well as the degree of turbulence of a Cn2
mixture flow in a fast-axial-flow CO2 laser have been determined.
Diagram of intracavity four-wave mixing in the active
medium of a fast-flowing gaseous laser