Doppler diagnostics of biotissue evaporation with laser
The method relies on the effect of self-induced modification of the single-mode
CO2 laser spectrum. This effect is due to the Doppler-shifted scattered
radiation getting back into the laser resonator from the irradiated area.
The role of laser radiation here is diagnostic and providing the feedback dataway.
This self-induced modification of the generation spectrum enables acquisition of the information
on the exposed object and the processes in the irradiated area.
The CO2 laser-based surgery apparatus "Lancet" developed by the Instrument
design office (Tula) has been in use in prototyping a surgery laser plant of the type of
an intellectual medical system with real-time biotissue evaporation monitoring by
back-scattered radiation (varying radiation power level; termination, interruption or
resumption of the action); operation recording.
The on-line inspection system performs the following functions: diagnostics of evaporation
of only one biotissue type; real-time control of tissue evaporation.
The surgery plant is under clinical trials at the Reseach Laser Medicine Center of the
Ministry of Health RF, and at the P.A.Herzen Moscow Research Oncological Institute.