intellectual medical system "Perfocor" for transmyocardial laser revascularization
Over recent years, a totally new method of curing the ischemic disease of heart,
transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR), is gaining ground in the clinical
practice. In the course of an operation, a laser pulse is employed to produce channels
opening into the heart cavity. They favor the restoration of blood stream in the ischemic
zone and prevent development of myocardial infarction.
A laser beam is perforating the cardiac wall. It produces 20 to 50 holes of 0.5 to 1 mm
in diameter.
As compared to coronary artery bypass grafting, the TMLR method is easier in
realization and much lower in cost. The operation is performed on the beating heart,
and it is low-invasive.
The TMLR method is most effective in the cases when all the other techniques fail.
The intellectual laser medical system "Perfocor" has been developed at ILIT RAS to
perform TMLR operations. The system comprises a specially developed high-power waveguide
СО2-laser operating in the pulsed mode, a mechano-optical manipulator for laser
radiation delivery and focusing at an object, and an information system for ECG and
revascularization process diagnostics.
The "Perfocor" system surpasses in its technical performances (energy efficiency,
perforated channel shape, weight, and compactness) the only analog system "Heart Laser"
of the PLC Medical System, USA. In the period from 1997 to 2006, this system has been
successfully employed in more than 500 successful operations at the A.N.Bakoulev Research
Cardio-Vascular Surgery Center.
The work on introduction of TMLR method into clinical practice using the laser "Perfocor"
system was distinguished by the RF Government Award in 2003
The "Perfocor" system was awarded the First Class Diploma and a gold medal at the
International Trade Exhibition "INNOVATIONS-98" in Moscow, and a gold medal at the
"III International Moscow Salon of Innovations and Investments" in 2003.
The system has been patented in Russia (6 patents).
In 2000, a "Perfocor"-type system was produced for the Czech Republic, where since then
it has successfully passed clinical tests. The system was highly appreciated by the
\ leading cardio-surgeons of Europe.
In 2001, the system was approved by the RF Ministry of Health for serial production
and clinical application.
Since early 2004, the "Perfocor" system has been successfully used in a series of
surgical operations at the M.F.Vladimirsky Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI)