V.Ya. Panchenko, N.N. Sobolev and V.V. Sokovikov,
"Kinetic processes in CO2 laser plasma and populations of laser levels",
Preprint FIAN, N 30, 1972 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz, A.I. Osipov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Kinetics of non-equilibrium molecule dissociation under cascade excitation of vibrations by
laser radiation", JETP, Vol. 65, issue 3 (9), pp. 894-906, 1973 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz, A.I. Osipov, V.Ya. Panchenko and R.V. Khokhlov, "Dissociation of polyatomic
molecules in laser radiation field", Paper at VII All-Union Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear
Optics, M.: MSU, 1974 (in Russian).
M.S. Djidjoev, R.V. Khokhlov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Laser chemistry at surfaces", Tunable Laser
and Applications, Proc. of Loen Conf., Norway: Springer-Verlag,
pp. 100-107, 1976.
B.F. Gordietz, A.I. Osipov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"On separation of isotopes in collisional chemical reactions under selective excitation of gas
molecules vibrations by laser radiation", Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol. 234, N 6, pp. 1302-1305,
1977 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz, L.I. Gudzenko and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"On gas laser with solar excitation", JETP Letters, Vol. 26, N 8, pp. 163-165, 1977 (in Russian).
V.M. Gordienko, V.A. Gorshkov, V.Ya. Panchenko and A.P. Sukhorukov,
"Kinetic cooling of CO2-N2 gas mixture by
CO2 laser radiation", JETP, Vol. 73, issue 9,
pp. 374-383, 1977
S.A. Akhmanov, V.M. Gordienko, A.V. Mikheenko and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Dependence of vibration-translational relaxation rate on laser selective excitation intensity",
JETP Letters, Vol. 26, N 10, pp. 603-608, 1977 (in Russian).
M.S. Djidjoev, A.I. Osipov, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.T. Platonenko, R.V. Khokhlov and K.V. Shaitan,
"Mechanisms of activating heterogeneous reactions by laser radiation",
JETP, Vol. 74, N 4, pp. 1307-1317, 1978 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Cooling of gas molecules induced by laser radiation",
JTP Letters, Vol. 4, N 23, pp. 1396-1399, 1978 (in Russian).
V.M. Gordienko, A.V. Mikheenko and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Cooling of selectively excited CD4 gas in
the process of vibration-translational and rotation-translational relaxation",
JETP Letters, pp. 457-461, 1979 (in Russian).
S.A. Akhmanov, V.M. Gordienko, V.Ya. Panchenko et al., "Nonlinear processes under
vibration-translational relaxation in the gas of highly excited molecules",
JETP, Vol. 78, N 6, pp. 2172-2189, 1980 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz, L.I. Gudzenko and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Solar-excited gas laser. Kinetic models in laser physics and vibration theory",
Proc. FIAN, Vol. 120, pp. 90-100, 1980 (in Russian).
M.S. Djidjoev, V.M. Gordienko and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Vibrational relaxation and dissociation
of highly excited ozone molecules", Kvantovaya Elektronika, Vol. 9, N 11, pp. 2204-2211, 1982
(in Russian).
I.M. Sizova, A.P. Sukhorukov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Nonlinear optics of stratosphere and laser
chemistry of ozone", Izvestiya Vuzov. Fizika, N 2, pp. 111-127, 1983 (in Russian).
A.I. Osipov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Thermal effects at laser radiation
interaction with molecular gases", M.: MSU, 1983 (in Russian).
B.F. Gordietz and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Infrared radiation and inversion population of CO2 laser levels in Venusian and Marsian atmospheres",
NASA, Technical Memorandum 85057, Washington, 30 p., 1983.
B.F. Gordietz and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Non-equilibrium IR radiation and natural laser effect in Venusian and Marsian atmospheres",
Kosmichekiye Issledovaniya. XXI, N 6, pp. 929-938, 1983 (in Russian).
N. Ioli, F. Strumia and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Amplificazione e Saturazione in lasers a CO2
in quida d'onda", Proc. IX Congresso Annuale Italiano Spectroscopia e Laser,
Sorrento, 1 p., 1983.
A.I. Osipov, A.A. Filippov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "On radiation self-focusing by induced
no-equilibrium vibration excitation of molecules. Kinetic and gas-dynamic processes in
non-equilibrium media", A.M. Prokhorov, Editor, M.: MSU, pp. 77-78, 1984 (in Russian).
J.A. Chikina, U.S. Jurabekov, A.I. Osipov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Calculation of relaxation
times in gases using kinetic cooling data", Chemical Physics Letters,
Vol. 106, N 3, pp. 206-210, 1984 (in Russian).
V.Ya. Panchenko, "Nonlinear vibration-translation exchange of energy in a gas of partially
dissociated molecules", Lettere al Nuovo Chimento, Vol. 39, pp. 380-385, 1984.
N. Ioli, M. Pellegrino, F. Strumia and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Amplification and saturation in a CO2
waveguide amplifier", Applied Optics, Vol. 38, pp. 23-30, 1985.
A.I. Osipov, V.Ya. Panchenko and A.A. Filippov, "Self-focusing of laser radiation in molecular
gases", Kvantovaya Elektronika, Vol. 12, N 4, pp. 708-712, 1985 (in Russian).
A.V. Chugunov, M.S. Djidjoev, V.Ya. Panchenko et al. "Nonlinear absorption of strong IR radiation
by triatomic molecules: ozone", Optics Letters, Vol. 10, N 12, pp. 615-617, 1985.
V.V. Lazarev and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Spectral transformation of solar radiation by the use of a sun
heated body as a way of gas lasers pumping", Geliotekhnika, N 1, Publ. House "FAN", Tashkent,
pp. 3-8, 1986, (in Russian).
A.V. Chugunov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "The effect of a strong IR laser field on triatomic molecules",
Spectrochimica Acta A., Vol. 43, N 2, pp. 171-172, 1987.
V.N. Bagratashvili, V.N. Burimov, A.N. Zherikhin and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Increase of output of IR
laser dissociation of molecules near a surface having periodic relief", Kvantovaya Elektronika,
Vol. 15, N 11, pp. 2173-2174, 1988 (in Russian).
A.S. Akhmanov, M.A. Vorontsov, A.V. Kudryashov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Formation of spatial
characteristics of excimer laser radiation with a controlled intracavity mirror", Kvantovaya
Elektronika, Vol. 15, N 8, pp. 1525-1526, 1988 (in Russian).
V.M. Gordienko, A.P. Kubyshkin and V.T. Platonenko, "Fluorescent and interferometric methods of
vibrationally excited molecular gases diagnostics", Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Fizicheskie Osnovy
Lazernoy i Puchkovoi Tekhnologii, N.I. Koroteev and V.Ya. Panchenko,
Editors, M.: VINITI, Vol. 2, pp. 46-97, 1989 (in Russian).
V.Ya. Panchenko, V.N. Seminogov and A.I. Khudobenko, "Theory of laser induced generation of surface
periodic relief at photochemical etching of semiconductors", Kvantovaya
Elektronika, Vol. 16, N 6, pp. 1226-1237, 1989 (in Russian).
V.S. Golubev, M.G. Galushkin, A.M. Zabelin and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Strong nonlinearity in amplifying
medium and peculiarities of its manifestation in industrial CO2 lasers", Izvestiya AN SSSR,
Ser. Fizicheskaya, Vol. 53, N 6, pp. 1136-1140, 1989 (in Russian).
V.N. Seminogov and V.I. Sokolov,
"Role of light diffraction at modulations of surface relief in processes of laser microtechnology",
Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Fizicheskie Osnovy Lazernoy i Puchkovoi Tekhnologii, N.I. Koroteev and
V.Ya. Panchenko, Editors, M.: VINITI, Vol. 3, pp. 93-161, 1989-1991 (in Russian).
S.I. Ivanov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"On laser excitation of molecular vibrational transitions with dense rotational spectrum structure",
Optika Atmosfery, Vol. 2, N 1, pp. 55-62, 1989 (in Russian).
V.Ya. Panchenko and I.M. Sizova,
"Effective time of thermalization of dissociating anharmonic oscillators assembly",
Optika Atmosfery, Vol. 2, N 6, pp. 584-592, 1989 (in Russian).
I.A. Borodina, M.A. Vorontsov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Methods of compensation of thermal deformations in unstable resonator mirrors with the use
of controlled elements", Optika Atmosfery, Vol. 2, N 4, pp. 369-374, 1989 (in Russian).
S.A. Akhmanov, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.I. Sokolov and V.N. Seminogov, "Diffraction and absorption of
subpicosecond laser pulses at spatially modulated surface with arbitrary relief under Wood anomalies",
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Vol. 17, N 12, pp. 1533-1534, 1990 (in Russian).
S.V. Ivanov, V.Ya. Panchenko, "Laser IR spectroscopy of ozone", Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Sovremennye
Problemy Lazernoi Fiziki, M.: VINITI, Vol. 1, pp. 56-151, 1990 (in Russian).
Yu.A. Bychkov, F.Kh. Mirzoev and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Laser-stimulated interdiffusion of components
in a CdTe-CdxHg1-xTe structure", "Laser Surface Microprocessing", V.I. Konov, B.S. Luk'yanchuk,
I. Boyd, Editors, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1352, pp. 205-207, 1990.
S.A. Akhmanov, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.I. Sokolov and V.N. Seminogov,
"Interaction of supershort laser pulses with targets having periodic relief", Itogi Nauki i
Tekhniki, Sovremennye Problemy Lazernoi Fiziki, M.: VINITI, Vol. 4, pp. 199-243, 1991 (in Russian).
L.A. Shelepin, F.Kh. Mirzoev and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Spatial ordering of defects by laser irradiation",
Journal of Sov. Laser Research, Vol. 10, N 5, pp. 404-413, 1989.
M.V. Kuzmin and V.Ya. Panchenko, Computer study of chaotic nonlinear motion of vibrationally
excited polyatomic molecules, Laser Application in Life Sciences LALS'90,
Moscow, p. 61, 1990 (in Russian).
A.I. Khudobenko, V.K. Popov, V.N. Seminogov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Control of the spectrum of laser-induced periodical relief on GaAs surface in photochemical etching",
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1723, pp. 7-13, 1992.
S.A. Akhmanov, V.N. Seminogov, V.I. Sokolov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Generation of ultrashort surface electromagnetic waves by diffraction of frequency modulated
laser pulses on periodical surface relief", Superintense Laser Fields: Generation, Interaction
with Matter and X-Ray Sources, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1800, pp. 119-136, 1991.
V.N. Bagratashvili, A.F. Banishev, S.A. Gnedoi, V.I. Emelyanov, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.N. Seminogov et al.,
"Effect of formation of periodic structures of pores at laser deposition of metallic films",
Poverkhnost, N 2, pp. 115-119, 1991 (in Russian).
A.V. Chugunov, V.I. Novoderezhkin, T.V. Razumikhina and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"The analysis of expired lung air by laser spectroscopy methods for diagnostics of diseases",
Laser Study of Macroscopic Biosystems, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1922, pp. 184-185, 1992.
A.V. Chugunov, A.I. Kholodnykh, V.V. Krasnikov, V.I. Novoderezhkin, V.S. Solomatin, T.V. Razumikhina
and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Multi-function laser gas analyzer", Laser Study of Macroscopic Biosystems,
Proc SPIE, Vol. 1922, pp. 406-409, 1992.
N.A. Golovatyuk, V.M. Manankov, V.N. Okorkov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Transformation of polarization
of high-power IR laser radiation under resonance excitation of surface electromagnetic waves on
metallic gratings", Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Fiz., Vol. 57, N 12, p. 16, 1993 (in Russian).
E.I. Antonov, V.N. Bagratashvili, V.Ya. Panchenko, A.P. Sviridov and E.N. Sobol,
"Laser deposition of biocompatible coatings", JTP Letters, Vol. 19, N 12, pp. 92-95, 1993 (in Russian).
V.Ya. Panchenko, "Laser macro- and microtechnology", Russian National Conf. "Laser Technologies'93",
Shatura, NICTL RAN, p. 7, 1993 (in Russian).
M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, A.M. Zabelin, A.V. Korotchenko, V.Ya. Panchenko and V.N. Chernous,
"Optical systems for high-power industrial CO2 lasers", Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. Fizicheskaya,
Vol. 57, N 12, pp. 63-68, 1993 (in Russian).
A.V. Evseev, V.Ya. Panchenko and V.P. Yakunin, “Laser synthesis of 3D objects from photopolymerizing
compositions”, Russian National Conf. "Laser Technologies'93", Shatura, NICTL AN, p. 7, 1993
(in Russian).
A.V. Kudryashov and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Control and formation of output radiation of technological
lasers by methods of adaptive optics",. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1983, pp. 34-35, 1993.
V.V. Vasiltsov, M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, V.Ye. Zavalova, Ye.V. Zelenov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Theoretical study of diffusion-cooled CW CO2 laser beam
characteristics Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2257, pp. 156-164, 1994.
E.N. Gulamov, R.Sh. Islamov, A.P. Kubyshkin, V.A. Lobastov, O.A. Novodvorsky and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"IR luminescent diagnostics of industrial fast-flowing CO2 laser with crossed-electrode system",
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Vol. 21, N 12, pp. 1151-1156, 1994 (in Russian).
S.V. Ivanov, V.Ya. Panchenko, "Infrared and microwave spectroscopy of ozone", Uspekhi Fizicheskikh
Nauk, Vol. 164, N 7, pp. 725-742, 1994 (in Russian).
V.N. Okorkov, B.V. Russkikh, V.N. Seminogov, V.I. Sokolov, V.P. Yakunin and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Phase retarder for transformation of polarization of high-power infrared laser beams based on
resonant excitation of surface electromagnetic waves on metallic diffraction gratings",
Optical Engineering, Vol. 33, N 10, pp. 3145-3155. 1994.
A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin, V.Ya. Panchenko et al., "Dynamic shift of boiling point under
laser action on metals", Kv. Elektronika, Vol. 22, N 8, pp. 820-824, 1995 (in Russian).
A.I. Khudobenko, V.N. Seminogov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Fabrication of submicron relief gratings in p-GaAs in the process of maskless holographic wet
etching by laser-induced etch rate reduction method", Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2403, pp. 409-413, 1995.
A.I. Khudobenko, V.N. Seminogov, V.I. Sokolov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"New concept of single-mode resonator for distributed feedback semiconductor and fiber lasers",
Laser Diodes and Applications, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2382, pp. 224-234, 1995.
Arnold, A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Remote control by laser excitation and IR detection of surface acoustic waves",
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2789, pp. 235-244, 1996.
A.I. Khudobenko, V.N. Seminogov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Laser maskless formation of submicron periodic relief gratings on AIIIBV semiconductor wafers by
combination of holographic and surface electromagnetic waves
generation method", Lasers as Tools for Manufacturing of Durable Goods
and Microelectronics, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2703, pp. 579-585, 1996.
A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Laser processing quality control by laser-excited SAW with IR detection (LSAW-IRD) ",
Lasers as Tools for Manufacturing of Durable Goods and Macroelectronics,
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2703, pp. 150-160, 1996.
V.Ya. Panchenko, "Maskless fabrication of submicron nonharmonic: relief gratings for
single-frequency DFB semiconductor lasers by three-beam holography method", Lasers as Tools
for Manufacturing of Durable Goods and Macroelectronics,
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2703, pp. 576-578, 1996.
F.Kh. Mirzoev. V.Ya. Panchenko and L.A. Shelepin, "Laser monitoring of processes in solids",
Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol. 166, N 1, pp. 1-32, 1996 (in Russian).
V.M. Gordienko, A.K. Dmitriev, V.Ya. Panchenko et al., "Autodyne effect in the presence of
laser induced hydrodynamic flows and its use in identification of biotissue type in the course
of it destruction", Kvantovaya Elektronika, Vol. 23, N 10, pp. 869-870, 1996 (in Russian).
E.V. Kotsuba, A.V. Evseev, S.V. Kamayev, M.A. Markov, M.M. Novikov, N.M. Semeshin, V.P. Yakunin
and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Operative fabrication of plastic objects using X-ray tomography data",
8th European User Group Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 9-11, 1996.
Ya. Panchenko, "Light diffraction and new laser technologies for maskless formation of submicron
relief structures", in Ninth International School on Quantum Electronics: Lasers - Physics and
Applications, Peter A.Atanasov, Editor, Proc. SPIE 3052, pp. 98-110, 1996.
A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin, V.Ya. Panchenko and N.B. Podymova, "Dynamic shift of boiling point
under pulsed laser action on metals", Proc. SPIE 2789, pp. 228-234, 1996.
W. Arnold, A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Remote control by laser excitation
an IR detection of surface acoustic waves", Proc. SPIE 2789, pp. 235-244, 1996.
V.Ya. Panchenko, V.N. Seminogov and A.I. Khudobenko, "Nonlinear mode of laser induced generation of
surface electromagnetic waves and submicron periodic relief in liquid-phase photochemical etching of
semiconductors n-AIIIBV", JETP, Vol. 111, issue 1, pp. 174-198, 1997
P. Kubyshkin, E.V. Savateeva and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Investigation of weld seam structure by laser
ultrasonic and thermal-wave methods", Proc. SPIE 3097, 1997.
Ye.V. Kotsuba, A.V. Evseev, V.Ya. Panchenko et al. "Operative fabrication of plastic copies of
objects using X-ray tomography data", Proc. of Workshop on Applic. of Laser
in Mechanical Industry (WALMI (97), Dec. 21-24, Venue, Jadavpur Univ., Calcutta, India, 1997.
V.M. Gordienko, A.K. Dmitriev, V.N. Kortunov, Yu.Ya. Putivskii, V.A. Ul (yanov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Investigation of interrelation between biotissue type and backscattered radiation in the course of
laser ablation", Laser Health, pp. 129-130, 1997.
M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, V.Ya. Panchenko,Yu.N. Zavalov et al "Enhancement of small-scale optical
nonuniformities in active medium of high-power CW FAF CO2-laser", Proc. of the NATO ARW, Kluwer
Ac.Publishers, Netherlands, Dordrecht, pp. 287-302, 1998.
A.P. Kubyshkin, F.Kh. Mirzoev and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Dynamics of decay of liquid metal superheated
state", JTP Letters, Vol. 24, issue 19, pp. 31-34, 1998 (in Russian).
A.N. Antonov, A.V. Evseev, S.V. Kamaev, V.B. Kulakov, E.V. Kotsyuba, V.Ya. Panchenko et al.,
"Laser stereolithography – the technology for layer-by-layer production of 3D objects from liquid
photopolymerizing compositions", Opt. Tekhnika, 1 (13), pp. 5-14, 1998 (in Russian).
S.S. Abramov, N.I. Boldyreev, A.V. Evseev, E.V. Kotsyuba, M.M. Novikov, V.Ya. Panchenko and
N.M. Semeshin, "Production of plastic copies of 3D objects using tomography data", Opticheskaya
Tekhnika, 1 (13), pp. 45-49, 1998 (in Russian).
A.N. Antonov, A.V. Evseev, M.A. Markov, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.K. Popov and O.Z. Topolnitsky,
"Formation of bioactive mineral-polymer composites by laser
stereolithography method", Opticheskaya Tekhnika, 1 (13), pp. 55-60, 1998 (in Russian).
I.I. Berishvili, L.A. Bokeria, V.V. Vasiltsov, M.N. Vakhromeeva, M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev
and V.Ya. Panchenko, "High-power waveguide single-mode diffusion-cooled CO2 laser for transmyocardial
revascularization", Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Fiz., Vol. 63, N 10, 1999 (in Russian).
V.S. Golubev, V.V. Vasiltsov, A.M. Zabelin and V.Ya. Panchenko, "High-power fast-flowing and
waveguide CW CO2 lasers for material processing with elevated technological beam quality",
Proceedings of the International Conference on LASERS'98, Tucson, AZ,
December 7-11, 1998, V.J. Corcoran, T.A. Goldman, Editors, STS Press,
Mc LEAN, VA, 1999.
L.A. Bokeria, I.I. Berishvili, V.Ya.Panchenko,V.V. Vasiltsov, V.S. Golubev, I.Yu. Sigaev,
Ye.V. Zelenov, V.A.Ul'yanov. "Application of kW-level waveguide CO2 laser for transmyocardial
revascularization", International Conf. on Lasers'99, Quebec, Canada,
13-17 Dec. 1999.
M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, Yu.N. Zavalov, V.E. Zavalova and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Nonlinear optical properties of turbulent flow in CO2 laser active medium", Izvestiya RAN, Ser.
Fizicheskaya, Vol. 63, N 6, 1999 (in Russian).
M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, Yu.N. Zavalov, V.E. Zavalova and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Investigation of turbulent characteristics of thermodynamically non-equilibrium molecular gas flow",
TVT, Vol. 37, N 5, 1999 (in Russian).
A.F. Banishev, V.Ya. Panchenko and A.V. Shishkov,
"Non-thermal glow of tungsten initiated by thermal deformations under
laser pulse effect", Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol. 41, N 9, p. 1538, 1999
(in Russian).
A.F. Banishev, A.V. Shishkov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Laser-induced radiative rising of defects on the surface and metal surface destruction",
Applied Surface Science, N 12, p. 78. 1999.
V.A. Ulyanov, V.M. Gordienko, A.K. Dmitriev, V.N. Kortunov, V.Ya. Panchenko and Yu.Ya. Putivskii,
"Doppler diagnostics of biotissue laser ablation processes",
Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Fizicheskaya, Vol. 63, N 10, p. 2068, 1999 (in Russian).
A.V. Evseev, S.V. Kamayev, E.V. Kotsyuba, M.A. Markov, M.M. Novikov, V.Ya. Panchenko, N.M. Semeshin
and V.P. Yakunin, "Fabrication of physical models by stereolithography method",
Avtomatizatsiya Proektirovaniya, N 2 (12), 1999 (in Russian).
V.Ye. Zavalova, V.I. Ledenev, Yu.P. Raizer, S.T. Surzhikov and V.Ya. Panchenko,
"Numerical study of processes occurring in positive column of multi-segmented discharge in
fast-flow industrial CO2 laser", in Progress in Research and
Development of High-Power Industrial CO2 Lasers,
Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, Vladimir S. Golubev, Editors, Proc. SPIE
Vol. 4165, pp. 2-16, 2000.
V.S. Golubev and V.Ya. Panchenko, "Applications of lasers in machine-building and metallurgy",
in Progress in Research and Development of High-Power Industrial
CO2 Lasers, Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, Vladimir S. Golubev,
Editors, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4165, pp. 264-277, 2000.
A.M. Zabelin, Yu.I. Slepokon, V.M. Ryakhin, P.P. Kuznetsov, V.Ya. Panchenko et.al.,
"Decommissioning of nuclear reactors fuel channels using laser technology",
in Progress in Research and Development of High-Power Industrial
CO2 Lasers, Vladislav Ya. Panchenko, Vladimir S. Golubev,
Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4165, pp. 282-288, 2000.
Novel laser-information technologies in surgery. (in Russian)
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Scattering of Light Beams Propagating through a Dielectric Surface with a Large-Scale Roughness:
II. Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Homogenization of Scattered Beams
V.Ya.Panchenko,V.N. Seminogov, V.A. Semchishen, T.Seiler, M.Mrochen
Laser Physics , Vol.12, N 11, 2002, pp. 1333-1348
V.Ya. Panchenko, V.V.Vasiltsov, V.M.Gordienko et al,. Diagnostics of laser biotissues perforation
using autodyne backscatter detection (in Russian).
"Kv. Electronika", vol.32, N10 (364), pp. 847-857 (2002).
Prospects of reconstructive scull surgery in using 3D-computer tomography and stereolytography
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A.V.Evseev, S.V.Eropkin et al,
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O.I.Larichev, M.Yu.Sternin, V.Ya. Panchenko et al.
Intellectual tutoring systems for users of laser machining units.
"Novosti iskustvennogo intellekta" N4, (58), 2003, pp.4-11.
M.G.Galushkin, V.Ya. Panchenko,Yu.N.Zavalov et al.
Turbulence structure of fast-flow CO2-laser active media.
"Kvantovaya Electronika", 33, N8 (2003), pp.671-676.
A.P. Kubyshkin, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.V. Vasiltsov et al.
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In Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 5149 Laser Applications in Medicine, Biology, And Environmental
Science, edited by Gerhard Mueller, Valery V. Tuchin, Gennadii G. Matvieko, Christian Werner,
Vladislav Ya. Panchenko,(SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2003), pp. 121-127