1. Plasma physics
2. Gas discharge physics and technology
3. Laser physics and technology, in particular industrial CO2 lasers
4. Laser beam-materials interaction
V.S.Golubev graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Physics,
in 1959. In 1963 he has got PhD. In 1976 he has got Dr. es Sci. in Plasma Physics.
Since 1982 he is Professor at Moscow Baumann Technical State University.
Within 1962-1980 he took part as a senior scientist in low-temperature plasma and CO2
lasers R&D Programs at Kurchatov Institute on Atomic Energy ( KIAE).
Since 1980 he is Deputy Director on Science at the Institute on Laser and Information
Technologies - IPLIT RAS, Shatura, Russia. He is engaged in R&D on high-power industrial
CO2 lasers and on laser-materials processing.
He has published more than 230 papers, reviews and monographs. He was co-chairman of
International Conferences "Industrial Lasers and Laser Application" (ILLA'93, ILLA'95,
ILLA'98 and ILLA’2001 ). He was a fellow of academic councils concerned with conforment
of Dr. es Sci. degrees at Moscow State University, at Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute,
at Institute on High Temperatures RAS, member of editorial board of the journal
"Kvantovaia Electronika". He is co-editor of Proc. SPIE volumes 2257, 2713, 3688,4165
and 4644.
EDUCATION: 1953-1959-M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Department of Physics.
1959-1962-MSU. Postgraduate Student. specialization: plasma physics.
EXPERIENCE: 1962-1980- KIAE, Moscow: Junior researcher, Senior researcher
(Low-temperature Plasma and Direct Energy Conversion Department), Head of Department
(Laser Physics and Industrial Lasers); 1980 - till present - Institute on Laser and
Information Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences - IPLIT RAN, Deputy Director on
Scientific Research.
SCIENTIFIC DEGREES: 1964 - Ph.D in Plasma Physics, (MSU); 1976 - Doctor es Sci. in Plasma
Physics (KAEI); 1982 - Professor (Moscow Baumann State Technical University)