V.S.Golubev, V.L.Granovsky
An investigation of diffusion of charged particles in ionized
gases by the diffusion waves method.
Sov.Phys. JETP, 1962, Vol.43, No.12 (6), pp.1985-1990
V.S.Golubev, G.A.Kasabov, V.F.Konakh
An investigation of the CW–Ar+Cs nonequilibrium plasma.
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, (TVT) 1964, Vol.2 No.3, pp.650-652
V.S.Golubev, M.M.Malikov, A.F.Vitshas
An investigation of electrical discharge in a gas flow and magnetic field.
Proc. of III International Symposium on MHD Energy Conversion, Vienna, 1966. Ed. ENEA, Vienna, Vol.2, pp.63-71.
V.S.Golubev, M.M.Malikov, A.F.Vitshas
An investigation of plasma ionization instability in a disk – shaped Hall channel.
Proc. of IVth International Symposium on MHD Energy Conversion, Warsaw, 1968, Ed. ENEA, Vienna, Vol.2, pp.529-546
V.S.Golubev, M.M.Malikov, A.V.Nedospasov
An investigation of a pulsed Faraday - type MHD - Generator with essentially nonequilibrium conductivity.
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, TVT, 1970, Vol.8, No.6, pp.1265-1273
V.L.Granovsky, V.S.Golubev et al,
Elektricheskiy tok v gase. Monography (in Russian)
Moscow, "Nauka" Publising House, 1971, 600p.
A.D.Belykh, V.S.Golubev, V.A.Gurashvili
An investigation of an highly – efficient MHD – Generator with nonequilibrium conductivity.
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, TVT, 1974, Vol.12, No.4, pp.1064-1071
V.S.Golubev, M.M.Malikov
Ionization wave of a Glow Discharge in a turbulent Gas Flow.
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, TVT, 1975, Vol.13, No.3, pp.650-652
A.M.Dykhne, V.S.Golubev, E.P.Velikhov
Physical Phenomena in a low-temperature
Non-equilibrium plasma and in MHD-generators with
nonequilibrium conductivity.
Atomic Energy Rev. 1976. Vol.14, N2, p.325-385. Ed. IAEA, Vienna.
A.V.Bondarenko, V.S.Golubev, F.V.Lebedev et al
The influence of the air flow turbulence on gas discharge stability.
Fizika Plasmy, 1979, Vol.5, No.3, pp.687-692
G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev et al
Optimization of a 10 kw CW – CO2-technological Laser.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1979, Vol.6, No.1, pp.202-209
A.V.Bondarenko, A.F.Glova, V.S.Golubev, F.V.Lebedev
AC - discharge pumping of fast-transverse flow CO2 lasers.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1980, Vol.7, No.4, pp.775-780
A.V.Bondarenko, V.S.Golubev, E.V.Danshtchikov et al
Ionization-thermical breakdown of the air adjacent to the surface of a CO2-laser irradiated metal sample.
Doklady Academii Nauk, 1980, Vol.253, No.4, pp.867-879.
G.A.Abilsiitov, E.P.Velikhov, V.S.Golubev, F.V.Lebedev
Advanced methods of high-power industrial CO2 lasers pumping. A review.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1981, Vol. 8, No.12, pp.2517-2540
V.V.Antiukhov, A.I.Bondarenko, A.F.Glova, V.S.Golubev,F.V.Lebedev
A high-power multibeam AC – excited CO2-laser.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1981,ol.8, No.10, pp.2234-2237
E.P.Velikhov, V.S.Golubev, S.V.Pashkin
The Glow Discharge in a Gas Flow.
Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, 1982, Vol.137, No.1, pp.117-150
V.S.Golubev, F.V.Lebedev
On beam stability of fast flow gas discharge CO2-lasers.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1985, Vol.12, No.4, pp.663-671
V.S.Golubev, F.V.Lebedev
Engineering backgrounds of Industrial Lasers. A textbook (in Russian).
Moscow, "Vysshaia shkola", 1988
G.A.Abilsiitov, V.V.Vasiltsov, V.S.Golubev, et al
Industrial Lasers developed in the Scientific Research Center on Technological Lasers of Academy of Sciences of USSR.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1990, Vol.17, No.6, pp.672-677
V.S.Golubev, S.V.Pashkin
The glow Discharge under elevated Gas pressure. A monography (in Russian).
Moscow, “Nauka”, 1990, 334p.
G.A.Abilsiitov, V.S.Golubev, et al
Industrial Lasers. A Handbook (in Russian).
Moscow, "Mashinostroenie", 1991
M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, A.M.Zabelin, V.Ya.Panchenko
Light-induced small-scale optical inhomogeneities of CW-CO2 lasers active medium.
Izvestia of Academy of Sciences, Ser.Phys., 1992, Vol.56, No.8 pp.199-205
A.F.Banishev, V.S.Golubev, O.D.Khramova
Study of the Key-Hole formation dynamics under high-power laser pulse action upon metals.
Laser Phys., 1993, Vol.1, No.6, pp.1198-1202
A.F.Banishev, V.S.Golubev, M.M.Nicolo, O.D.Khramova
Oscillatory Regime of Metallic Plate Breakdown under Laser Beam.
Proc. SPIE, Vol.2257, (1994), pp.14-23
V.V.Antyukhov, A.I.Bondarenko, V.S.Golubev et al
High-power Multibeam CO2-laser Excited by an AC
Proc. SPIE 1993, Vol.2109, pp.24-27
G.A.Abilsiitov, V.S.Golubev, A.N.Safonov
Materials Processing with High-Power Industrial
CO2-lasers. A Survey of Russian work.
Lasers in Engineering 1994, Vol.3, pp.73-86
V.S.Golubev, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.V.Vassiltsov, A.M.Zabelin
High Power Industrial CO2-lasers Based Upon New
Concepts of Gas Discharge and Optical Schemes.
Proc. SPIE 1994, Vol.2206, p.42
V.V.Ajaronok, A.F.Banishev, V.S.Golubev, A.M.Zabelin
Nonstationary Plasma-thermo-fluid Dynamics and
Phase Transitions in Processes of Deep
Penetration Laser Beam Materials
Interaction.Proc. SPIE 1994, Vol.2207, pp.248-255
V.S.Golubev, Ye.A.Kurushin, V.V.Vassiltsov, Ye.V.Zelenov et al
Multichannel industrial Lasers Developed in NICTL RAN
Proc. SPIE, Vol.2257, (1994) pp.90-99
Recent investigations on gas discharge and beam
quality problems of fast-flow CO2-lasers.
Proc. SPIE 1994, Vol.2502, pp.111-119
On possible models of hydrodynamical nonstationary phenomena in processes of laser beam deep penetration into materials.
Proc. SPIE, Vol.2713, (1995) pp.219-230
Researches of some new ways to improve the efficiency and optical quality of industrial CO2-lasers.
"Gas Lasers-Recent Developments and Future Prospects" Kluwer Acad. Publ. Ed. W.I.Witteman, V.N.Ochkin. Dordrecht /Boston/London, 1995, pp.249-256
M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, A.V.Korotchenko, A.M.Zabelin
The physical and technical factors determining beam quality of high-power industrial CO2-lasers.
ÊProc. SPIE, Vol.3092, (1996) pp.134-137
Nonstationary Hydrodynamics in processes of Laser Beam-Material Interaction.
Proc. SPIE, Vol.3888, (1999) pp.105-115
I.I.Berishvili, E.N.Egorov, M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.V.Vasiltsov et al
Diffusion-Cooled High-Power Singe-Mode Waveguide CO2-Laser for Transmyocardial Revascularization.
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3688, (1999) pp.87-94
M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, P.V.Korolenko, V.Ya.Panchenko, Yu.N.Zavalov, V.Ye.Zavalova
Optical Diagnostics of Turbulent Flow of Nonequilibrium Gas Mixture in FAF CO2 Laser.
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3688, (1999) pp.436-440
V.S.Golubev, A.K.Nath
Scaling laws for designing high-power CW CO2 lasers.
Progress in Research and Development of High-Power Industrial CO2.:
Lasers Selected Research Papers 1991-2000. SPIE Vol.4165, 2000. pp.42-55
Possible Hydrodynamic Phenomena in deep Penetration Laser Channels.
Proc. SPIE. 2000. Vol.3888. pp.244-253
I.O.Bazyleva, M.G.Galushkin, V.S.Golubev, E.A.Dubrovina, V.A.Karasev
Thermal losses in process of gas assisted laser cutting of metals.
Proc. SPIE: Laser & Laser Information Technologies (ILLA-2001)
June 22-26, 2001, Vladimir-Suzdal Vol.4644. 2001. pp.73-82
Laser Welding and cutting: recent insights into fluid-dynamics mechanisms.
Proc. SPIE. 2002. vol.5121. pp.1-15
Problems of Hydrodynamics in the Processes of Laser Welding and Cutting.
"Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing".
pp.24-31. Proc. Of International Conference, May 19-23, 2003,
Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine. Ed. by B.E.Paton and V.S.Kovalenko.
Publ. E.O.Paton. Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev 2003
M.G.Galushkin, Yu.N.Zavalov et al
Fast-flow CO2 laser active medium turbulence.
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2003, Vol.23, No.8, pp.671-676
Laser macrotechnologies: state of the art and the trends of future development.
"Advanced materials", 2005, No.1, pp.5-12