Regulation of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences issued on the establishment
December15, 1979
Setting up of NICTL AN as a legal institution
Organization of the departments for theoretical researches, laser materials
processing technology, gaseous lasers, atomic-molecular selective laser technology;
laser optics, laser automation, design department
Commencement of wide investigations on the processes of material treatment
with laser (welding, cutting, surface modification). Start of the development of
automated laser industrial systems
Commencement of the research into laser radical synthesis of organic fluoride
compounds, and into laser radiation effect on biogenic molecules, including DNA
Holding by NICTL AN of the 1st All-Union Conference on Laser Application
in Mechanical Engineering (Zvenigorod, 1982)
Holding of the 2nd All-Union conference "Application of Lasers in Home
Industry" (Zvenigorod, 1985)
Regulation of the USSR Council of Ministers issued on the establishment of an Inter-branch
Scientific-and-Technical Center "Technological lasers" (MNTK TL) with NICTL AN as the
leading institution (1986)
The MNTK TL activities expanded to the manufacture of commercial prototypes of TL and
automated laser systems, as well as their components
Industrial lasers of the "second-generation" (TL-1.5, MTL-2, TL-5M) designed (1986)
Continuation and expansion of research into physics and design of gaseous lasers
(including excimer and rare gas ones), into thermal laser technology, power optics, laser
chemistry and microtechnology, laser biomedicine. The commencement of investigations on
diffraction of laser radiation at the surface geometry (1987)
Investigations on IL, including those on physics of active medium, MTL phasing,
fast-axial-flow IL, multimodule assemblies of TL-5, short-wave gaseous lasers,
solid-state IL, precision average-power CO2 lasers
Development of principally new optical elements – transformers of laser radiation
polarization based on diffraction gratings on SEW generation. Performance of works on
laser optics (kinoform and adaptive optical elements, objectives, transmission and
reflection power optics with interference coatings)
Development of laser methods for application in diagnostics and therapy
Holding of the 3d All-Union conference "Application of Lasers in Home Industry"
(Shatura, 1989)
Publication of "Handbook on Technological Lasers" prepared by a group authors from
the NICTL AN (1991)
V.Ya. Panchenko was elected the Director of NICTL (1992)
Pursuance of wide basic and applied research in the fields of laser and information
technologies (laser synthesis of 3D parts and micro-products, including data transmission
in the form of tomography files; microtechnology for optoelectronics; nondestructive laser
diagnostics of surface and bulk structures in materials), laser biomedicine (including the
development of à laser system to perform transmyocardial revascularization, the technology
of implants and transformation of cartilaginous tissue); investigation of laser processes
of genetic code control; environmental monitoring; laser diagnostics, precision technologies
of material processing with lasers – cutting, marking; the physical models of the processes
of intense laser beam penetration into materials and biotissues; processes of intense laser
radiation interaction with turbulent gaseous medium; adaptive optics; physics of processes
occurring on laser heating of substance; physics of laser radiation interaction with molecular
gas; diffraction optics of surface
Cooperation in compliance with the state and international scientific-and-technical
programs of the RF Ministry of Sciences, in particular, with Belarus, India, China;
collaboration in the framework of grants and contracts with the laboratories, companies
and universities of Great Britain, USA, Germany, Japan, Greece; in the framework of the
grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and international research foundations
(INTAS, NATO, etc.)
Continuation of the work on the development of industrial CO2-IL models
(similar-type lasers TL-1.5, 2.5, 4, 6; MTL-500, 100, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0; TL-5M, 7.5, 10, 15).
Development of laser processing plants (for cutting, welding, surface treatment, as well
as medical systems) on the basis of these models
Reorganization (1998) of NICTL RAN with changing its name to ILIT RAS – the
Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of Russian Academy of Sciences
The achievements of the Institute scientists were highly appreciated by the Academy
of Sciences, RF Government and the world scientific community. In 2000, Director of
ILIT RAS was elected the Corresponding Member of RAS. Four scientists of the Institute
(Professors V.N.Bagratashvili, V.S.Golubev, L.A.Novitskii, and V.Ya.Panchenko) were
conferred the honorary rank of Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation. A.I.Bondarenko,
Chief designer of the Institute, was conferred the rank of Honoured Designer of Russian
Scientific associates of ILIT RAS V.Ya.Panchenko, A.V.Evseev, E.V.Kotsyuba,
S.V.Kamayev and M.M.Novikov won a RF Government prize in 2003 for the investigation,
development and practical implementation of the integrated system of production automation
based on modern information technologies. Their contribution consisted in the development
of home equipment and technologies of laser stereolithography.
Scientific associates of ILIT RAS V.V.Vasil’tsov, E.V.Zelenov and V.A.Ulyanov were
awarded in 2003 by RF Government for the development and implementation of transmyocardial
laser revascularization – the method for treatment of inoperable patients. Their
contribution consisted in the development of an intellectual laser system intended to
perform this medical procedure.
Six associates of the Institute were awarded with orders and medals of the RF.
The Institute achievements were rewarded with diplomas (27) and medals (35) of
international and national science exhibitions.
Over this period, the Institute arranged and held many large international conferences,
such as "Lasers and Laser-Information Technologies" ILLA’93, ILLA’95, ILLA’98, ILLA-2001,
ILLA-2003; the 1st International conference "Lasers and Applications" (LAT) jointly with
the regular International conference on quantum electronics (IQEC) in 2002 (Moscow); the
2nd International conference LAT jointly with the International Conference on Coherent
and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO) in 2005 (St.Petersburg). It prepared papers for publication
in the SPIE Proceedings.