Port to OS/2 PM of
by Brian Paul
Mesa is a 3D multiplatform graphics library with an API which is very
similar to that of OpenGL.
"WarpMesaGL" is current work name for port of original Mesa
3D Graphics Library .
The name "Mesa" in OS/2 is currently used for well-known spreadsheet
under name "Mesa Spreadsheet"or
2 Spreadsheet" and logo
so "WarpMesaGL" is used to eliminate misunderstanding.
Pirmary goal of this project is to use OpenGL 3D in
scientific and industrial CAD/CAM realtime applications.
Current state: vers. alpha minus 1.6
Original Mesa version: 3.3 beta
WarpMesaGL can work:
in single buffer mode WarpMesaGL via PM GPI and GpiMove/GpiLine/GpiSetPel
etc. , and so it is very slow
in double buffer mode WarpMesaGL as via PM GPI and GpiBitBlt
as via DIVE and DiveBlitImage
PM GPI will work at any videomode, but I can't test all of them (hmm, I
haven't seen CGA or mono Hercules with Warp ;-) . DIVE support
needs dive.dll as minimum, and may have problems in some videomodes
such as 32K colors. DIVE is a bit faster and PM GPI is a bit reliablier
Internal color representation is 24bit RGB in most cases and 32bit RGB
for Matrox drivers
sphere - Spheremap test.
AApoly test
Morph3D demo
Hardware support: there is no hardware support, but it
is possible. If you know how to implement it with existing videodrivers
or you are driver's developer, then mail to me.
Current limitations:
WarpMesaGL works only in GLUT_RGB mode, index mode needs too much efforts
for all that palette's functions and you'll gain too poor results. GpiBitBlt
and DiveBlitImage with dithering is well enough.
GLUT support is only partial, and I am not sure that full support of GLUT
functions is really needed. We have PM, haven't we ?
DIVE yet doesn't care of window overlapping
GLU support is in the same dll, as GLUT
Near future plans (alpha minus 1.5):
built first PM programm with glut child window and so make GLUT more
support windows overlapping for DIVE
Where to find it:
WWW page for WarpMesaGL
Comparison and small benchmark
of WarpMesaGL's and IBM's OpenGL in different videomodes.
Bencnmark TriSPD
correct work in 24bit color internal mode (bug fixed)
tested for S3 adapters & drivers
more working samples
work in 24bit color mode both under Matrox driver and SDD7 (DiveCaps.ulDepth
= 32 for Matrox and 24 for SDD7, I prefer 32bits per pixel
- the code for 32 bits is faster and straightforward )
support for 256 colors in PM GPI and DIVE
tested under SDD7
read/write span optimization
more working samples and documentation
Useful links:
port author info: Evgeny Kotsuba laser.nictl@relcom.ru
Page was updated: 15 june 2000