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š Software etc.

(Ó)š evgen

Free Software
Squid2 OS/2 exe, CPP src, freeware Port to OS/2 and VACPP3 of proxy-serverš Squid
Alpha.š With some changes.
gDiagramm OS/2 exe, CPP/C src, freeware Utility for fast graph plotting to png files fromš data ofš any length and complexity on the basis of upgaded port ofš gd lib
SQDR OS/2 exe,
OS/2 API used,
CPP src,
Redirector for Squid/2 - no regexp, fast and easy, re-read
rules online, allow to look at user's
queries online, freeware & opensource
v 0.12
LBios2 OS/2 exe, src, freeware Test utility forš PCI cardšš L780š from L-Card ( DSP 2185 on board)š
loading bios + test sample for TTL input/output + ADC
OS/2 exe,
OS/2 API used,
CPP src,
Simple utilit for recursive search in text files in subdirectoties, search and replacement of substring

Usage: Change Filemask SearchString [ReplaceString]

OS/2 exe,
OS/2 API used,
C src,
Simple utilit for interactive time delay for command line.
Usage: DosSleep Nsec
Pressš "Q"š to exit fromš programm - is useful for debuging and interactive work with various rexxš scripts.
DC OS/2,
DC - Universal Russian codepage DeCoder
vers 3.00a0
started about 1988 (?)
last changes:š
Aug 22 1994
DOS exe,
Antic, but still working DOS - programm with russian-language interface.

" Micropublisherš PRIš - usful edit and print on matrix printers"
Features includes :

  • multi-window text interface
  • text format
  • block select/insert , rectangle blocks
  • embeded calcucator with basic
  • printing on various (including old soviet and DGR's "Robotron") matrix printers, partially compatible withš Epson FX-80,including "book" format.

  • š

    RusWarpFaq šOS/2 INF šRussian Warp Developer's FAQ v 0.11 - (russian) - a set of usful and nonusful information, Frequentlyš Fogotted Questions , for exampleš sample of work with COM port, etc.š
    rarš with
    OS/2 exe and
    C src.š
    Modified samples for bookšš "The Art ofš OS/2 Warp programming" by Kathleen and Arthur Panov, Larry Salomon;ššš + couples of samples from russian book by brothers Frolovš + some drafts in russan

    Projects share
    Project Short decriptionš Current status
    Open source analog for OS/2 PM
    with clien-server model and 3D support
    at work
    WarpMesaGL Port to OS/2 PM ofš Mesa - 3D multiplatform graphics library with an API which is very similar to that of OpenGL. šAt šWork again
    wxWindows multiplatform graphics libraryš forš native realization ofš uniform prorgammer's GUI.
    Source code - pure C++ without any external classes and templates.
    šstopped. I have no time for it.
    Dict2 Open Source engine for dictionary Stoped

    Industrial Software
    Stol2 Operator's monitor & control programm for laser cutting machine
    STLPACK multiplatform compressor for STL filesš (standard 3D format for rapid prototyping)
    šš StlView STLš (standard 3D format for rapid prototyping) viewer for OS/2š

    Last changeš 02.03.2002
    Rambler's Top100