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Spin buttons

The notebook control is designed to provide the user with a visual organize of information, similar to a real notebook with dividers. Information can be broken up into categories, with the major tabs representing category headings.  Information can be then further broken up using minor tabs as teh subcategory headings.  The notebook consists of six major perts, as illustratedin Figure 22.1: the binding, status line, intersection of pages, forward/backward page buttons, major tabs, and minor tabs.

A notebook should be used to offer the user a choice of settings or to present data that can be organized logically into categories or groupes. Information that can be grouped together should be put into a single tabbed section. Major tabs can be placed at any of the four notebook sides; howeever, minor tabs always are placed perpendicular to the major tabs. Page buttons are provided to allow the user to page forward and backward between the notebook pages. Page buttons always are located in the corner that is flanked by the back pages. The bindings can either be spiral-bound or solid-bound, depending on the specified style. A line of status text can be associated with each notebook page. If more than one page exists in a category, the staus line should be used to indicate this to  the user; for example, "Page 1 of 20". The status line can be left-justied, right-justified, or centered along the bottom of the notebook. The last part of the notebook is the insertion of the back pages, used to design a landscape- or portrait-mode notebook. This feature gives the appearance of a three-dimensional notebook. This intersection can be located at any of the four corners. Figures 22.2 through 22.9 show the eight possible combinations of styles.

Table 22.1 Notebook Window Styles
Backpage Orientation
Intersection of pages is located at the Bottom Right corner
Intersection of pages is located at the Bottom Left corner
Intersection of pages is located at the Top Right corner
Intersection of pages is located at the Top Left corner
Major Tab Side
Major tabs are located on the Right side
Major tabs are located on the Left side
Major tabs are located on the Top side
Major tabs are located on the Bottom side
 Tab Type
Notebook has Square edged tabs
Notebook has Round edged tabs
Notebook has Polygon edged tabs
Binding type
Notebook has a Solid binding
Notebook has a Spiral binding
Status line text justification
Notebook has the status text Left justify
Notebook has the status text Right justify
Notebook has the status text Centered
Tab text justification
Notebook has the tab text Left-justified
Notebook has the tab text Right-justified
Notebook has the tab text centered
Tabbed dialog styles
Tabbed dialog
Reserve space for

The major and minor tabs can be customized somewhat. Thay can be square or polygonal or have rounded corners. A tab can contain eithertext or bitmaps. The text can be left-justified, right-justified, or centered. If a bitmap is specified for the tab, the bitmap is sized automatically to fill the tab. The dimensions for the tab need to be set using the message BKM_SETDIMENTIONS. There is no automatic sizing of the tab for text.

Notebook Pages

A notebook page is designed to be associated with a dialog box or window. When a new page is selected in a notebook, the notebook invalidates the new page, causing a WM_PAINT to be sent to the procedure associated with newly selected page. When a notebook is created, the initialization should handle the insertion of any needed pages. If a page has a major or minor tab associated with it, this is specified in the BKM_INSERTPAGE. The following code segment shows how to insert a page.
  ULONG ulPageID;
MRESULT mrReply;

mrReply = WinSendMsg(hwndNotebook,
ulPageID = LONGFROMMR( mrReply);

If no major or minor tabs are specified, the new page becomes part of the current section. Each page has a ulPageId that is returned from the BKM_INSERTPAGE message. This ID is used extensively in the notebook messaging system.
    The following example program illustates the creation of a notebook.


Flipping Pages

Creating a Notebook

Initialize Notbook



Table 19.1 Window Classes Covered in this Chapter
Combo box. This is a combination of an entry field and a list box. It responds to all messages for both controls; additionally, there are a few messages specifically for this class.
Frame. This window is used as the primary window for most applications, and is also the basis for dialog windows. While the typical interaction with this class is through  subclassing, the frame window has some useful messages for the developer.
WC_SCROLLBAR Scrollbar. This can be found in many applications, where the environment is larger than the amount of screen allocated for the application. scrollbars allow the user to change the visible portion by scrolling the window.
Static window. This is a window whose contents are static, that is, unchangable by the user. Typically, windows of this class are textual in nature, but they can also be icons, bitmaps, and so on.
Titlebar. On a standard window, this window is placed between the system menu and the min/max buttons. It provides a placement for the frame window text and also allows quick access to window resizing, maximizing, and restoring.

Figure 17.1 Entry fields.
The entry field does lask some capabilities that would be very nice to have. For example, being able to accept only certain types of text, having a fully functional picture string capability ('a la COBOL), and being able to force alltext to be upper- or lowercase would be handy. Chapter 27 addresses the issue of adding function to an existing control and illustrates its concepts by an example that allows numeric input only in an entry field.

Table 17.1 shows the various styles available for the entry field.

Table 17.1 Entry Field Styles
Style  DescrIption
ES_LEFT Text is left justified.
Text is center justified.
Text is right justified.
Text is scrolled as the cursor moves beyond the visible portion of the entry field.
A margin is drawn around the entry field.
When the maximum number of characters has been entered, the input focus is passed to the next control with the WS_TABSTOP style.
Text is not modifiable.
The entry is denoted a command entry field. The help Manager uses this to provide help for the cotents of the field, should the user request it. There should be only one entry field per window with this style.
Text is displayed as a string of asterisks ( '*' ), one per character of actual text.
The entry field will size itself automatically to insure that the text fits within the visible portion of the control.
The entry field can contain single- and double-byte characters. If the text is converted from an ASCII code to an EBCDIC code page, there may be an overrun in the converted text. Contrast this with ES_MIXED, where this is not allowed.
Text is comprised of single-byte characters only.
 Text is comprised of double-byte characters only.
Text can contain either single- or double-byte characters, wich may later be converted to or from an ASCII code page from or to EDCDIC code page.
Table 17.1 shows that numerous possibilities exist for creating entry fields.



The WM_INITDLG message processing initializes the box.  The first step is to obtain the window handle of the list box using WinWindowFromID. The dialog box is the parent of all the controls in it. The macro WinInsertLboxItem is ashortened version of the function WinSendDlgItemMsg, designed specially to insert items into the list box.

An owner-draw style can be used for many of the Presentation Manager controls.



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