- V.S. Golubev, V.L. Granovsky
An investigation of diffusion of charged
particles in ionized gases by the diffusion waves
method.Sov. Phys. JETP, 1962, Vol. 43, N12
- V.S. Golubev, G.A. Kasabov, V.F.Konakh
An investigation of the CW – Ar+Cs
nonequilibrium plasma.
Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, (TVT) 1964, Vol.
2 N3, p.p. 650-652
- V.S. Golubev, M.M. Malikov, A.F. Vitshas
An investigation of electrical discharge in a gas
flow and magnetic field.
Proc. of III International Symposium on MHD
Energy Conversion, Vienna, 1966. Ed. ENEA,
Vienna, Vol. 2, p.p. 63-71
- V.S. Golubev, M.M. Malikov, A.F. Vitshas
An investigation of plasma ionization instability
in a disk – shaped Hall channel.
Proc. of IVth International Symposium on MHD
Energy Conversion, Warsaw, 1968, Ed. ENEA,
Vienna, Vol. 2, p.p. 529-546
- V.S. Golubev, M.M. Malikov, A.V. Nedospasov
An investigation of a pulsed Faraday – type MHD
– Generator with essentially nonequilibrium
TVT, 1970, Vol. 8, N6, p.p. 1265-1273
- A.D. Belykh, V.S. Golubev, V.A. Gurashvili
An investigation of an highly – efficient MHD
– Generator with nonequilibrium conductivity.
TVT, 1974, Vol.12, N4, p.p. 1064-1071
- V.S. Golubev, M.M. Malikov
Ionization wave of a Glow Discharge in a
turbulent Gas Flow.
TVT, 1975, Vol.13, N3, p.p. 650-652
- E.P. Velikhov, V.S. Golubev, A.M. Dykhne,
Physical Phenomena in a low-temperature
Non-equilibrium plasma and in MHD-generators with
nonequilibrium conductivity.
Atomic Energy Rev. 1976. Vol.14, ¹2, p.p.
325-385. Ed. IAEA, Vienna.
- A.V.Bondarenko, V.S. Golubev, F.V. Lebedev et al
The influence of the air flow turbulence on gas
discharge stability.
Fizika Plasmy, 1979, Vol. 5, N3, p.p. 687-692
- G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev et al Optimization
of a 10 kw CW – CO2-technological Laser.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1979, Vol.6, N1,
- A.V.Bondarenko, A.F. Glova, V.S. Golubev, F.V.
Lebedev AC – discharge pumping of
fast-transverse flow CO2 lasers.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1980, Vol.7, N4, p.p.
- A.V. Bondarenko, V.S. Golubev, E.V. Danshtchikov
et al
Ionization-thermical breakdown of the air
adjacent to the surface of a CO2-laser irradiated
metal sample.
Doklady Academii Nauk, 1980, Vol. 253, N4,
- G.A. Abilsiitov, E.P. Velikhov, V.S. Golubev,
F.V. Lebedev
Advanced methods of high-power industrial CO2
lasers pumping. A review.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1981, Vol. 8, N12,
- V.V. Antiukhov, A.I. Bondarenko, A.F. Glova, V.S.
Golubev, F.V. Lebedev
A high - power multibeam AC – excited CO2laser.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1981, Vol. 8, N10, p.p.
- G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev
Laser Technology and Industrial Lasers. A Review.
Vestnik Akademii Nauk, 1982, N2, p.p. 37-43
- E.P. Velikhov, V.S. Golubev, S.V. Pashkin
The Glow Discharge in a Gas Flow.
Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, 1982, Vol.137, N1, p.p.
- V.S. Golubev, F.V. Lebedev
On beam stability of fast flow gas discharge
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1985, Vol. 12, N4,
- G.G. Antonov, F.G. Baksht, V.S. Borodin,
V.S.Golubev, F.G. Rutberg, E.P. Velikhov
Vibrationally nonequilibrium decaying nitrogen
Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz. 1985, Vol. 55, N6, p.p.
- V.S. Golubev, F.V. Lebedev
Engineering backgrounds of Industrial Lasers.
A textbook. Moscow, “Vysshaia shkola”, 1988
- G.A. Abilsiitov, V.V. Vasiltsov, V.S. Golubev, et
Industrial Lasers developed in the Scientific
Research Center on Technological Lasers of
Academy of Sciences of USSR.
Kvantovaia Electronika, 1990, Vol. 17, N6, p.p.
- V.S. Golubev, S.V. Pashkin
The glow Discharge under elevated Gas pressure.
A monography. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1990
- G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev, et al
Industrial Lasers.
A Handbook. Moscow, “Mashinostroenie”, 1991
- M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, A.M. Zabelin, V.Ya.
Light – induced small – scale optical
inhomogeneities of CW – CO2 lasers active
Izvestia of Academy of Sciences, Ser. Phys.,
1992, Vol. 56, N8, p.p. 199-205
- A.F. Banishev, V.S. Golubev, O.D. Khramova
Study of the Key-Hole formation dynamics under
high-power laser pulse action upon metals.
Laser Phys., 1993, Vol. 1, N 6, p.p. 1198-1202
- A.F. Banishev, V.S. Golubev, M.M. Nicolo,
Oscillatory Regime of Metallic Plate Breakdown
under Laser Beam.
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2257, p.p 14-23.
- V.V.Antyukhov, A.l.Bondarenko, V.S.Golubev et al
High-power Multibeam CO2-laser Excited by an AC
Proc. SPIE, 1993, Vol. 2109,p.p. 24-27
- V.S. Golubev, D.Yu. Filimonov, Ye.A. Kurushin,
V.V. Vassiltsov, Ye.V. Zelenov
Using Diffraction Optics for Formation
single-lobe far-field beam intensity Distribution
in Waveguide CO2-fasers synchronized arrays.
Proc. SPIE, 1993. Vol. 2109, p.p. 122-128
- G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev, A.N. Safonov
Materials Processing with High-Power Industrial
A Survey of Russian work. Lasers in Engineering,
1994, Vol. 3, p.p. 73-86
- V.S. Golubev, V.Ya.Panchenko, V.V Vassiltsov,
A.M. Zabelin
High Power Industrial CO2-lasers Based Upon New
Concepts of Gas Discharge and Optical Schemes.
Proc. SPIE, 1994, Vol. 2206, p.p. 42-
- V.V.Ajaronok, A.F.Banishev, V.S. Golubev,
Nonstationary Plasma-thermo-fluid Dynamics and
Phase Transitions in Processes of Deep
Penetration Laser Beam Materials Interaction.
Proc. SPIE, 1994, Vol. 2207, p.p. 248-255
- V.S. Golubev, Ye.A. Kurushin, V.V. Vassiltsov,
Ye.V.Zelenov et al
Multichannel industrial Lasers Developed in NICTL
Proc. SPIE, 1994, Vol. 2257, p.p. 90-99
- V.S. Golubev
Recent investigations on gas discharge and beam
quality problems of fast-flow CO2-lasers.
Proc. SPIE, 1994, Vol. 2502, p.p. 111-119
- V.S. Golubev
On possible models of hydrodynamical
nonstationary phenomena in processes of laser
beam deep penetration into materials.
Proc. SPIE, 1995, Vol. 2713, p.p. 219-230
- M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, V.Ya. Panchenko,
V.V. Vassiltsov
High-power waveguide industrial CO2-lasers. .
Proc. SPIE, 1995, Vol. 2713,p.p. 76-84
- V.S. Golubev
Researches of some new ways to improve the
efficiency and optical quality of industrial
Gas Lasers-Recent Developments and Future
Prospects” Kluwer Acad. Publ. Ed. W.I.
Witteman, V.N. Ochkin. Dordrecht /Boston/ London,
1995,p.p. 249-256
- M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, A.V. Korotchenko,
The physical and technical factors determining
beam quality of high-power industrial CO2-lasers.
Proc. SPIE, 1996, Vol. 3092,p.p. 134-137
- V.S. Golubev, A.K. Nath
Design Considerations and Scaling Laws for high
power convective cooled CW CO2 Lasers.
Pramana Journal of Phys., 1998, Vol. 51,¹
3&4, p.p. 436-479
- V.S. Golubev
Nonstationary Hydrodynamics in processes of Laser
Beam-Material Interaction.
Proc. SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3888, p.p. 105-115
- I.I. Berishvili, E.N. Egorov, M.G. Galushkin,
V.S. Golubev, V.Ya. Panchenko, V.V. Vasiltsov et
Diffusion-Cooled High-Power Singe-Mode Waveguide
CO2-Laser for Transmyocardial Revascularization.
Proc. SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3688, p.p. 87-94
- M.G. Galushkin, V.S. Golubev, , P.V. Korolenko,
V.Ya. Panchenko, Yu.N. Zavalov, V.Ye. Zavalova
Optical Diagnostics of Turbulent Flow of
Nonequilibrium Gas Mixture in FAF CO2 Laser
Proc. SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3688, p.p. 436-440
- V.S. Golubev
Possible Hydrodynamic Phenomena in deep
Penetration Laser Channels.
Proc. SPIE, 1999, Vol. 3688,
p.p. 244-253