of Laser Diagnostics and Physics of Lasers
Head of Laboratory Prof. Vladimir G. Niziev
Laser Beams with Radial
and Azimuthal Polarization
Contact person |
performing this work:
V.G. Niziev, A.V. Nesterov (Laboratory of Laser Diagnostics and Physics
of Lasers, IPLIT RAS)
V.P. Yakunin (Department of Laser Optics, IPLIT RAS)
V.N. Seminogov (Laboratory of Non Linear Opyics, IPLIT RAS)
A.A.Goncharsky (Chair of Mathematical Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State
University) |
conventional types of polarization of laser beams, linear and circular,
have substantial disadvantages.
In the case of linear polarization, the parameters
of the beam interaction with the matter depend upon the direction of polarization.
At circular polarization, these parameters
are time averaged, i.e., not optimum from viewpoint either of minimum losses
or maximum absorption. |
modes with inhomogeneous polarization are known in the laser resonator
Radially or azimuthally polarized modes
are the most interesting for different applications.
Azimuthal polarization
with minimum losses

Circular polarization
with average parameters
because the vector
of electric field
rotates itself quickly
with maximum absorption

Special diffractive mirrors with
high polarization selectivity
have been suggested to generate such modes.
- Relief parameters are calculated with special program.
- Chosen relief drawing gives maximum reflectivity
for the mode with desirable type of polarization: radial or azimuthal.
- We have special technology of production of these
diffractive mirrors for high power CO2-lasers.
Diffractive mirrors for generation of
radially and azimuthally polarized modes. These mirrors are used as rear
mirrors inside the resonator. There are relief period, relief drawing
and ray path for two mutually perpendicular polarization in the table.
Relief period
Rays' path
For radial polarization
For azimuthal polarization
Diagnostics of radially polarized radiation
of 2 kW CO2-laser passed through analyzer
with "Mode Analyzer Computer" MAC-2
The example of application of radially
polarized beams
Normally they use circularly polarized
radiation for laser cutting metals. They install folder mirror in a resonator
to fix direction of linear polarization and outside a resonator quarter
wavelength phase shifter is set transferring linear polarization to circular
Optical scheme of a laser cutting
machine with radially polarized radiation.
Advantages of using beams with radial
polarization for laser cutting metals from the position of Fresnel law
of radiation absorption with surface.
List of publications with investigation
- V.G.Niziev,
A.V.Nesterov. Peculiarities of Laser Cutting with Polarized Radiation.
Proceedings of the Int. Conf. Industrial Lasers & LaserApplicatoins’98
Shatura Russia
SPIE v.3688 1998, p.169-178.
- V.G. Niziev, A.V. Nesterov Form and depth of cutting
with polarized laser beam. Physics and Chemistry of Material Processing
(in Rissian) 1999, 1, p.21-28.
- V.G. Niziev, A.V. Nesterov Peculiarities of Laser
Cutting Metals with Laser Beam with axial symmetric polarization. Bulletin
of Academy of Sciences, physical series (in Russian) 1999, 63, 10, p.
- V.G. Niziev,
A.V. Nesterov Influence of Beam Polarization on Laser Cutting Efficiency
Journal of Physics D Appl. Phys. V.32, (1999), p. 1455-1461.
- A.V. Nesterov, V.G. Niziev, A.L. Sokolov, A.V. Chripunov
Laser Radiation with Axial Symmetry State of Polarization. Moscow Power
Institute Bulletin (in Russian) 1999, 2, p.76-79.
- A.V. Nesterov,
V.G. Niziev, V.P. Yakunin Generation of high-power radially
polarized beam Journal of Physics D Appl. Phys. V.32, (1999), p. 2871-2875.
- A.A. Goncharsky, A.V. Nesterov, V.G. Niziev, L.V.
Novikova, V.P. Yakunin Optical Elements of Laser Resonator for Generation
of Beam with Axial Symmetric Polarisation. Optics and Spectroscopy (in
Russian) v. 88, #6, 2000.
- V.P. Yakunin, A.V. Nestrov, V.G. Niziev. High power
CO2- laser with radially polarized beam. Proceedings of International
forum on Advanced High-Power Lasers and Applications (AHPLA'99), Osaka,
Japan, 1999, SPIE v.3889.
Vladimir G. Niziev |
Address: IPLIT RAS
Shatura, Moscow Region 140700 RUSSIA |
25995 (off)
(09645) 22532
(09645) 26337 (home) |
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