Main Papers of Research LASER CENTRE (NICTL RAN)
- Glow discharge in gas flows. ю E.P. Velikhov, V.S. Golubev, S.V. Pashkin, Uspekhi Fys.
Nauk, 1982, vol.137, N.1, pp.117-150
- Application of CO2 lasers in mechanical engineering technology in the USSR. ю
G.A Abilsiitov, E.P. Velikhov, Optics and Laser Technology, Febr.1984, pp.30-36
- Solar-excited gas lasers. ю B.F. Gordietz, V. Ya. Panchenko, Uspekhi Fys. Nauk, vol.149,
N.3, pp.551-576 (1986)
- Scientific Research Center for technological Lasers, G.A. Abilsiitov, Erstes Deutsch-
Sowjetisches Arbeitstreffen 6-7 Juni 1991, Berghotel юBasteiю bei Dresden, Ed. Wolfgang
Pompe, Dresden, 19.06.1991
- Industrial Lasers and Laser material processing. Russia National conference, Shatura 14-16
Apr.1993, Proc. SPIE, 2257, 1994, pp.10-23, 33-38, 47-62, 73-99, 136-170, 176-181, 193-
207, 225-227
- Materials Processing with high-power industrial CO2-lasers. A Survey of Russian work. ю
G.A. Abilsiitov, V.S. Golubev, A.N. Safonov, Lasers in Engineering, 1994, vol.3, pp.73-86
- Optical Engineering:(Selected Topics юOptics in Russiaю) Oct.1994, vol.33, N.10,pp.3144-
3156, 3292-3220
- Scientific Research Center for Technological Lasersю V.Ya. Panchenko, E.P. Velikhov
- Proc.of the Workshop юExploring the opportunities for Cooperative Research, Orlando, 8-9
April, 1994, Ed. Army Research Lab., Wite Sands, NM88002
- Recent investigations of gas discharge and beam quality problems of fast flow CO2-lasers
(invited paper) V.S. Golubev, Proc. of 10-th International Symposium on Gas Flow
and Chemical Lasers, Friedrichshafen, 5-9 Sept. 1994 Proc. SPIE vol. 2502 (1994),
- Nonstationary Plasma-Thermo-fluid dynamics and phase transitions in processes of deep
penetration laser beam-materials interactions. ю A.F. Banishev, V.S. Golubev, A.M. Zabelin,
V.V. Ajaronok. Proc. SPIE, vol.2207, paper 33 (1994)
- 5-th International Conference, 24-26 June 1995, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2713 (1995), pp.17-29,
23-87, 219-230, 284-286, 370-386, 404-422, 485-492
- Researches of some new ways to improve the efficiency and optical quality of industrial
CO2-lasers. ю V.S. Golubev юGas Lasers: Recent developments and future prospectsю,
pp. 249-256, Ed. W.J. Witteman, V.N. Ochkin, Kluver Academic Publ.,
Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1995
- Laser assisted regulation of processes in solid-state bodies. ю F. Mirzoev, V.Ya. Panchenko,
L.A.Shelepin, Uspekhi Fys. Nauk, 1996, vol. 166, N.1, pp.1-32
- Operative fabrication of plastic copies of objects using X-ray tomography data. ю
A.V. Evseev, E.V. Kotsuba, V.P. Jakunin, V.Ya. Panchenko et al, 8-th European
3D-Systems Users Group Meeting Oct. 7-8, 1996, Darmstadt, Germany
- Remote control by laser excitation and IR detection of surface acoustic waves. ю W. Arnold,
A.A. Karabutov, A.P. Kubyshkin, V.Ya. Panchenko, Proc. SPIE, v.2789, pp.235-244 (1996)
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