Conference Chair | E.P.Velikhov, Academician, RRC "Kurchatov Institute", Russia |
Chairman of Program Committee | V.Ya.Panchenko, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies (ILIT RAS), Russia |
Chairman of Organizing Committee | A.G.Sergeev, Vladimir State University, Russia |
Vice-Chairmen of Organizing Committee | S.M.Arakelian, Vladimir State University, Russia
V.D.Dubrov, ILIT RAS, Russia |
Scientific Secretary of Conference | E.N.Gulamov, ILIT RAS, Russia |
Symposium 1 | Laser Technology of Advanced Material Processing. Advanced Laser Systems and Diagnostics. |
Symposium 2 | Laser Based Rapid Prototyping. |
Symposium 3 | Laser Micro- and Nanotechnologies. |
Symposium 4 | Adaptive Optics in Laser Technologies, Vision Systems and Medicine. |
Symposium 5 | Data Optical Processing. Quantum Computing. |
Conference official languages: English and Russian. The conference will include invited talks (30 minutes) and poster presentations.
Further information about the conference (conference fee, accommodation,
instructions for oral and poster presentations) will be communicated
in the second announcement.
For fast delivery of further information about the conference,
please, send to us your e-mail address and the e-mail addresses
of your colleagues who wish to have full information and/or to
take part in ILLA-2001 conference.
Please, send the conference application form and an abstract (approximately
100 words) via e-mail in MS Word format
by the address: illa2001 @
The conference ILLA-2001 will be run in the ancient
Russian city of Vladimir, the picturesque capital of medieval Russia, 180 km east of Moscow. The city of Vladimir is principally noted for its famous architectural monuments in white stone created in the 12th century, which attract nearly two million tourists each year. These monuments recall in memory the part played by the city of Vladimir in the history of Russia. On the bank of the river Nerl there rose the Church of the Intercession (1165) which is a famous monument of architectural perfectio
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Abstracts submission deadline: February | 15.02.2001 г. |
Прием полных текстов докладов
на английском языке для публикации в "Proceedings SPIE" |
до 24.06.2001 г. |
Conference materials will be published:
Paper title ____________________________________________________________________________
Principal author's last name
Affiliation_____________ _________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________
Е-mail______________________________________ __________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________
Fax ____________________________________________
Authors listing
(last name, affiliation, address, phone, fax, e-mail)
Symposium title _________________________________________________________________
Keywords list: a maximum of five:
Presentation (indicate your preference):
oral presentation __ poster presentation
(placement is subject to chairs' discretion)
Phone: (09645) 20681
Fax: (+7-09645) 22532
E-mail: illa2001 @l
Web Site: